I amZhe Chen
Web DeveloperFull Stack Developer
Computer Science Bachelor Degree
WithWeb Programming Diploma
AndAlways Willing to Learn
Get Ready toKNOW ME

Hello World, Welcome to Zhe's Portfolios



Zhe Chen Life  &  Work A Programmer

Keyboards to Me are Like Gloves to Ali
BGM : "Gloves to Ali" by Chan Kwong Wing
        /* “ Talk is cheap. Show me the code. ”  
            ― Linus Torvalds */    
        #aboutMe_Button {
            .toggle {
                text-align: center;
                margin-top: 4rem;
            .toggle--push--glow {
                .toggle--btn {
                    background-color: #dfdfdf;
                    box-shadow: 0 5px 10px 0px #333, 0 0 0 3px #444444;
                .toggle--btn:before {
                    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 5px #aaa, inset 0 0 0 14px #dfdfdf;
                .toggle--btn:after {
                    background-color: #aaa;
                    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2.5px #dfdfdf;
                .toggle--btn:hover:before {
                    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 5px #777777, inset 0 0 0 14px #dfdfdf;
                .toggle--btn:hover:after {
                    background-color: #777777;
                .toggle--checkbox:checked + .toggle--btn {
                    box-shadow: 0 0px 8px 0 #0072ad, 0 0 0 3px #0094e0;
                .toggle--checkbox:checked + .toggle--btn:before {
                    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 5px #0094e0, inset 0 0 0 14px #dfdfdf;
                .toggle--checkbox:checked + .toggle--btn:after {
                    background-color: #0094e0;
        /* Want to see more? Interview me... */
    Hello World !

    I'm now a second year Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) student in
    IT Web Programming. Before I immigrated to Canada, I achieved a
    bachelor's degree in Computer Science which provided me with a great
    deal of expertise. Combine with a master’s degree in Applied Psychology
    helped me to acquire excellent critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

    In two years full-time studying in Web Development, I spent most of the
    time with HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript ES6, React, PHP, Laravel, SQL,
    NoSQL, Linux, .NET.

    Beside studying diligent at school, from April to August 2020, I gained
    experience in internship for helping a company build commercial website.

    I have a keen eye for detail, and a meticulous approach. I used to work in
    the headquarters of a big company, and I also have experience in small
    groups for projects. I can work independently, be a team player and a
    good communicator.

    I'll graduate in April 2021, now I'm looking for CO-OP or a full time job. 

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Because Sometimes, Words just aren’t Enough.

See How Many "Likes" You can Give Me...


To All Talented Companies

Just Curious about Everything.

My Skills Pond


    With the Classified Display, You've Never Seen a Portfolios like This.



    JavaScript Scss jQuery Bootstrap Fontawesome jQuery-UI Aos Classycountdown Photopile Typewriter Lettering PrismJS

    this.state.likeIt === true ? contactMe('c-zhe@outlook.com','902-410-8762') : next('keep browsing');

    Aqua Advantage Water

    JavaScript Scss Bootstrap Swiper Select2 ZoomJS

    Outcome from my internship
    Click Me

    Website background

    PHP MySQl AWS Heroku

    A PHP demo for "CRUD" with login function.
    To "Apps" part to see more PHP/Lareval Projects
    Click Me

    Gourmet Desserts

    Fluidui Inkscape JavaScript Scss Bootstrap

    A Project for Web Design Courese
    Click Me

    Chat With Zhe (For Mobile)

    ReactJS React-DOM NodeJS Express Stocket.IO MongoDB Heroku

    As a Developer, there's nothing more Exciting than use his Own App to chat.
    Click Me

    NSCC Course Map

    .NET Core Entity Framework SQL Server Azure

    You can search all the IT course information at NSCC here!
    Click Me

    Interview Helper (For Windows)

    ElectronJS electron-packager grunt MySQL

    Nowadays JavaScript can do anything!

    Fly Map

    JavaScript Leaflet Geojson API

    See how many planes in the air right now!
    Click Me

    Post with Zhe

    Laravel Bootstrap MySQL JWT Heroku AWS

    See what I post here, or after easy register you can post with me!
    Click Me

    Business Card

    ReactJS Bootstrap MongoDB Atlas JWT Heroku

    Let's keep in touch! Please drop your business card here.
    Click Me

    Brewery Search

    JavaScript API Leaflet

    Looking for brewery? You can use this App.
    Click Me

    Bypass Burgers

    Java Java Swing

    FontEnd Burger-Order system, created by Java
    Download jar

    Fun with Flag

    JavaScript json

    Choose flag and gain some knowledge about countries!
    Click Me


    JavaScript HTML5

    A simple calculater
    Click Me

    Palace Revolt

    Phaser 3 Tiled

    It's all about Revolt!
    Click Me

    Stars Collector

    Phaser 3

    See how many stars you can collect!
    Click Me

    Three in a Row

    JavaScript API HTML

    It could be an one-person game for a developer!
    Click Me


    Phase3 JS

    Run frogger, run!
    Click Me

    Dragons And Dungeons

    Java Java Swing

    Game Demo for Dragons And Dungeons!
    Download jar

    Break Out


    A easy old game, just using your mouse.
    Click Me


    Phaser 3 Tiled

    Jump! Jump! Jump!
    Click Me
    All Others

    Serverless API

    Azure Function API

    NSCC Course Map API
    Click Me

    API Documentation

    Azure API Management Swagger

    NSCC Course Map API Documentation
    Click Me

    NSCC Form


    A simple NSCC Application Form
    Click Me
    • Resume
    • IT Courses
    • IT Projects


    Prolific, diligent full stack developer with a flair for creating elegant solutions in the least amount of time.
    Strong JavaScript(ReactJS), PHP(Laravel) coding capabilities. Proficient in Client and Server-Side. Experience with MERN Stack. Good knowledge of Linux.
    Have a passion for quality and writing clean, readable code.


    Web Developer – Internship
    Aqua Advantage Water Treatment Ltd, Halifax, March 2020 - September 2020
    - Designed and developed user-friendly Commercial Web, including optimized page-changing effect, increased customer orders by 20%.
    -Handled all composition, color, illustration, typography. Turned in projects an average of 10% faster than targets.
    -Fixed bugs and implemented enhancements that significantly improved functionality.

    System Administrator
    Hubei Culture & Tourism Investment Group, China, June 2014 - May 2018
    -Systems administrator for HR system, maintain updates and ensure users satisfaction.
    -Created user training hub that cut trouble tickets by 14%.


    Web Programming — Diploma
    Nova Scotia Community College, Halifax, Expected Graduation: April 2021

    Computing Science — Bachelor’s degree
    Qujing Normal University, China, Graduated: June 2010

    Psychology — Master’s degree
    Hubei University, China, Graduated: June 2014

    Description: My portfolios website, it is all about my studies, works and life.

    Tools: JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, SCSS, JS Libraries, Git Pages.

    Chat With Zhe

    Description: A Full Stack App, you can have real-time chat with me or with anyone after easy registration.

    Tools: ReactJS, Router, Redux, SocketIO, MongoDB Atlas, AWS, Heroku.

    Post With Zhe

    Description: A Social media feed. You can Post/Edit/Delete(soft delete) something after registered, there are also Theme Management & User Management Functions if you have the privileges.

    Tools: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, AWS, Heroku.

    Business Card Collection

    Description: A Full Stack App, you can Add/Edit/Delete/Search business cards with registration & change theme after login.

    Tools: ReactJS, Router, MongoDB Atlas, AWS, Heroku.

    Zhe image

    A Combination of Education, Work Experience
    and a keen eye for Detail,
    All packed into ONE body,
    This is The Guy you've been looking for

    This effect currently only works on hover. Please switch to a desktop browser in order to see the effect.
    Contact Me before it's Too Late !

    By using Zhe's creation APP: Scan QR by PHONE with easy register, have a real-time chat with me.







    Contact Form


    Hello! My Guest of Honour from ,
    You have been visiting my Website for :: . Do you like it ?

    Hint: You MUST like it.

    No Vacant Position Now?

    You're Welcome to Drop Business Card here


    Using ReactJS/NodeJS/ExpressJS/MongoDB Atlas/Heroku for this App


    • "name": "WebbyChen.com",
    •    "version": "0.1.0",
    •    "dependencies": {
    •          "jQuery": "^3.5.1",
    •          "Bootstrap": "~4.5.0",
    •          "fontawesome": "~5.15.1",
    •          "typewriter": "~0.1.0",
    •          "modernizr": "~2.5.3",
    •          "prism": "~1.20.0",
    •          "aos": "^3.0.0",
    •          "lettering": "~0.6.1",
    •          "textillate": "^0.4.1",
    •          "headBand": "^0.1.0",
    •          "jBox": "^3.2.1",
    •          "knob": "^1.2.11",
    •          "throttle": "^1.1",
    •          "classycountdown": "^1.0.0",
    •          "jquery-ui": "^1.10.4",
    •          "photopile": "^0.1.0",
    •          "uiduck": "^1.0.1",
    •          "tiltfx": "^0.1.0",}
    • }

    Scan QRcode to Visit my Feed

    Or Click HERE to open a new tab


    Using Laravel/MySQL/AWS/Heroku for this App